Something that has been percolating in my brain the last couple of days has been the end of the world. Do you ever wonder if all this shit going down across the globe is the beginning of the end? Negative again, I know. But, let me set this up.
I picked up Terry Brook's Shannara series the other night. I thought I had read the whole series before but either it has been too long or I forgot it all after reading Tolkien and Eddings. (I think I actually read all three of these around the same time, it's no wonder I can't remember. )
All of these stories carry the same theme, good vs. evil and races that fight to death. Some races are nearly extinguished and in Brooks' version, much like King's Gunslinger series, "the world has moved on". In Brooks' version Man nearly destroyed itself by trying to gain too much power. In all of the series, including King's, man's greed and need for control leads to the end of the world as we know it.
When I think about the war of the races, Brooks refers to in the Shannara series, I simply replace the 'races' he lists with the religions and races on our globe. What we are witnessing in our world the last several years, could be the beginning of the 'Great War' or the First War of the Races. I just keep thinking that the stuff in Mumbai and across the globe could signify the beginning of the end. Morbid, I know.
I think my mind is here because I was reading the paper on Friday, feeling helpless. I picked up the first in Brooks' series and the similarities couldn't be missed. Then the hubby and SD brought home Hellboy II last night, and that's more of the same.
Ok, I'm rambling. I'm off to do something mindless and watch the Vikes.
I'm all about disaster preparedness. Seriously. I think about it all the time. It's an obsession.
Ugh - I hate end of the world discussions. I figure...if it ends, it ends...why get all twisted up contemplating it? Live life, love, laugh, be kind, squeeze your family daily...what else can you do?
And end of the world talk gets me super depressed. *sigh*
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