Monday, November 17, 2008

11.17 It's a Monday

I spent nearly 30 minutes on hold waiting for IT to answer my call since I was locked out of my computer. Appears the safety boot system they had installed is backfiring and they need to remove it from over thousands of employees laptops. Hmph.

Does your heart break when you hear your child cry? I noticed this the other night while I was drifting off to sleep (or in and out, who knows). Ms. C cried out in her sleep and my heart broke. I felt some sort of pain there, it's hard to explain and I find it happens the most when I can't see what is causing her to cry. She'll cry out when she sleeps every once in a while, she isn't really awake and typically puts herself back to sleep without issue, but it still makes my heart hurt to hear her little cry. Is it fear? Is she stuck? What should I be doing to help her.

This has to be an ingrained mommy gene that no one told me about. Is this where the super human strength comes from when something happens to one's child?


Kate said...

I do believe that's what they're talking about. Yes.

carrster said...

Oh yeah. It's like a little mini-lightening bolt that goes right through you. I am always afraid she's stuck through the crib rails or scared or whatever. Yup. Mommy Gene. It runs deep. Steve doesn't even HEAR it most of the time!!

Meigan said...

Miss Girl came up to me the other day after watching "Firehouse Dog" - just sobbing because it made her sad. That got me all twisty-up inside.

How am I going to be during their first break-up???