Sunday, November 02, 2008

11.2 Cursed daylight savings

Wake up time for Ms. C - 5:15am (yes, I know...6:15 on the body clock)

First nap of the day (only nap???) 9:45am.

I've gotten used to the routine we have in our house and this blasted daylight savings thing is already wreaking havoc and it's only 10am. Urgh. We tried putting her to bed a bit later last night in a vain attempt to shift her body clock. Nope. Not happening. At this rate, she will be going to bed at 7pm and I will see her for two hours and night after I get home from work. In addition, I will need to be up at 5am to get through the shower before she wakes up in the morning. Again...urgh.


carrster said...

Yeah, not only does it mess with our babies - it's so blasted dark!

Meigan said...

Sounds like the theme of the day!

Kate said...

I know I'm childlike, but my body clock takes about a month to readjust. It sucks. Hang in there!