Friday, November 14, 2008

11.14 Burning in the fiery pits

I'm going to burn in hell, according to this man. Well, at least now I know what is going to happen to me when I die, because I haven't seen the inside of a confessional since I was a teenager.

As a Catholic, my soul has been on the cusp of heading to hell for quite some time. Heavens, the least of which are the use birth control and supporting pro-choice. I'm really going to be damned since I also support gay marriage and don't fully understand why the Vatican won't get out of it's old-boys-club thought process and actually let the women in the church be a bigger part of the process. Can't quite wrap my head around how we hold Mary in a higher position and regard than other religions, yet we won't led a woman lead a church. WTF? Oh... and my swearing. That's another thing. Not even to mention activities in my youth (no comments from the peanut gallery, please, my hubby knows this blog exists).

Well... I might as well just give up and forget my vows and start some torrid affair, screw volunteering as much as I do, stop giving money to the church, forget supporting social justice, etc. 'Cuz apparently none of that means diddly to God. At least according to this man.

FYI - the seats last night were freaking awesome. 13th row behind the Wild goal for 2 periods. Good times. Good times.


Kate said...

Um, as a long time church worker, I'm just going to say this. Judge me if you want, but from all the Bible study I've done and soul searching that's been done over the past few years I know this to be true. God doesn't require us to do or be anything other than who we are in order to love us. Period. And no church is going to prove me wrong.

I get hot about church stuff. Comes with living my own hypocritic life.

Cellomama said...

I'll see you in the hot place, Holly. On top of many of the same sins you recited (excepting the whole voting for Obama part) I did in vitro fertilization, which the church constitutes murder. One-way ticket to the fiery gates for me!