Wednesday, November 19, 2008

11.19 Beep! Beep!

Heads up drivers on the east side! My SD got her permit last night. After completing the first round of driver's ed she headed to the DMV with her dad yesterday afternoon. Another teenager on the roads.

Seriously, remember how excited we all were when we finally got our permit? Ahh...those were the days. Now I just get in and don't think about it. Which is why sometimes I drive to work before I realize meant to go north instead of south.

Her dad took her out last night for her first behind-the-wheel action. They headed to two school parking lots near our house. Nice, empty spaces. She said she was nervous, but her dad said she did well for her first time out.

He noted some interesting things:
  • i keep my radio way too loud (actually, this was my observation when they left the house - it sure doesn't seem that loud when i am in the car)
  • he couldn't remember the last time she had been in the driver's seat. Maybe on his lap when she was three.
  • it wasn't automatic for her to adjust the mirrors and seat before hitting the gas
  • parking is a breeze when there are not other cars around

I just realized that both of us drive automatics (as does her mom and step-dad). We're going to need to find someone who has a stick shift. I learned on a stick and feel that it is important that kids know how to drive both. You never know when your college roommate is going to need to be rushed to urgent care and the only car in the driveway is a stick.


carrster said...

I remember not being able to do ANYTHING else while driving when I started driving. It was all concentration on the road, all the time.

I too believe it's very important for everyone to know how to drive both an automatic & a clutch. Plus they're fun to drive!!

I remember your car didn't have power-steering. Ay yi yi...that was a workout!

Sarita said...

Oh my goodness, it was 19 years ago tomorrow that I got my permit. Good times.

I agree that it is good to learn to drive both auto and manual.

Meigan said...

Isn't that what 911 is for? I've never mastered the clutch. My poor dad tried to teach me & failed. My poor husband tried to teach me & failed. I'm pretty teachable on most things, too.

Only time it worked against me was trying to rent a car in Scotland. Automatics were pretty pricey!

Congrats to SD! My lil sis just failed her first test today. Better luck next time.

Kate said...

I still don't know how to drive a stick! Gay Boyfriend has offered to teach me on his car, but I think it would end up with him shouting and me crying.
