Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Batwoman? Superwoman? nephews can always make me laugh. They are both getting to an age where they kind of understand that I am having a baby. Below is some of the fun we had this past week with the boys.

My sister called on Monday to find out how the ultrasound went and if we had any indication of the sex. I shared the good news which she passed onto her sons Alex (4)and Ryan (2). Alex immediately began asking if he could talk to me. He got on the phone and said,"Aunt Holly, can you name" Alex is a HUGE superhero fan and has as many superhero costumes as some little girls have princess dresses. I told him Uncle Pete and I would add it to the list of names we have in mind and asked him if he had any other suggestions. "How about Spiderman, I mean Spiderwoman? Or Superwoman? She could be Wonder Woman".

"Hmmm, Wonder Woman, I hadn't thought of that. I like that one."

"Yeah, but we wouldn't want her to dress like her", he said in his serious Alex tone. At this point I had to maintain my control and not start laughing, lest he think I am laughing at him.

"Yeah, Alex," I responded, "you're right, we wouldn't want her to dress that way." I love that he says this - the innocence. I'll have to remind him of this when he is 16 and sneaking Playboy into the house.

We saw the boys on Saturday and initiated baby Whitcomb into the family zerbert (or raspberry) game. Ryan gave my belly a zerbert and ran away giggling hysterically. "Can the baby hear what we are saying?" asked Alex. "Yes, the baby can hear you. Cousin Whitcomb is going to know your voice when he/she enters the world", I responded. Alex's eyes got wide and his mouth formed an 'O' - he thought that was so cool. Ryan proceeded to walk back to give my belly another zerbert but instead of giving one he got really, really close and whispered loudly, "zzeerbeerrt".

Later, Alex asked if he could listen to my belly in the hopes he could hear the baby inside. He laid his little head on my belly for about a minute. I asked if he heard anything and he sat up and responded matter-of-factly, 'No'. "Maybe next time", I said.

At that point Ryan began asking if he could see the baby. "Can I see the baby?" "Can you show me the baby?" "Can I look down your throat?". We had to explain it doesn't quite work that way. He went on to ask "How does the baby come out?". "Does it come out of your mouth? Out of your stomach?" Hmmm... I'm not touching that one. The good thing about a 2 year old is he can easily be distracted so we began talking about something else and dropped that topic quick!

1 comment:

kmd said...

AW! Your nephews are so cute!