Monday, March 26, 2007

81' and snow on the ground

Crazy weather we are having. We hit over 80' today. I can't remember the last time we were this warm this early. I went for a walk after work and had a smile when I noticed some neighbors still have some snow on their lawns, mostly in areas where there is quite a bit of shade or where the snow was piled very, very high. We went for a walk yesterday around Como. There was still quite a bit of ice on the lake but it appeared to be very thin. Some were in 'chunks' for lack of a better term. They looked like very tiny icebergs and sounded like wind chimes when they ran into each other.

The ducks were everywhere! I saw three male mallards perched on top of a neighbors roof, it was the first time I had seen this particular perch. Tabitha is currently sitting in the window staring outside at the wildlife (it's night and I've got the lights off so she can see further). She is loving the warm weather and seeing the birds zooming around the yard.

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