Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Chattering teeth

I wasn't going to do it. I swore I wouldn't post anything about the subzero weather. But I can't take it anymore! Every year I ask myself why in heaven's name I live in this tundra. I don't mind a little cold weather - it's when every morning for several days in a row start below zero. I'm a baby, I know.

The hardest part for me is walking into work. I live only a couple miles from my office so my car is just warm enough by the time I park it. I also work for a very large company (10,000 or so people on the main campus) so parking lots fill up quickly. The walk to the main doors is the worst. I'm not sure if it is how the wind whips around the buildings or what exactly creates this vortex of cold but it is wicked - the so cold your eyes water type of walk.

Yesterday we got a wee bit of snow and it is so cold in our garage that the snow on top of my car did not melt yet. Yikes. Today we're expected to get to a whopping 10' - it's going to feel like a heat wave compared to the -10 I drove in this morning.

Impatiently waiting for spring.

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