Monday, January 22, 2007


Official due date: August 5, 2007.

We heard the heartbeat today. Kind of a whoosing sound and all of a sudden the thump-thump-thump comes through and moves off. Apparently my little babe has plenty of room so she/he is swimming all around. It's hard for me to imagine that something 2 inches long has that much room to swim around in there...but what do I know? Heartbeat is around 170 beats/minute. That's my heart rate when I typically do cardio~my babe is working out!

All checks out with the doctor and things are progressing as they should. I asked about weight gain and she said I should expect to come in around 25 lbs. That makes me feel better, after having read I was supposed to gain only 15 lbs. Like hell.

We talked about doing a test to determine if the babe has Downs Syndrome and/or other issues. It's a new test, not an amnio, that has significantly less risk of miscarriage. I'm somewhat ambivelant. I wouldn't abort the child even if I knew she/he was diagnosed with Downs Syndrome so I'm debating on whether or not this is something I should consider. Pete is in the same boat.

I freaked a bit when we got home. I picked up Tabitha and all of a sudden I was hit with the overwhelmingness of it all. Man alive. Life will never, ever, ever be the same. What the hell are we doing? Am I up for this? I have enough trouble being a step mom how in the world am I going to handle this 24/7???


carrster said...

Wow! How amazing to hear those first sounds of the heartbeat. I can only imagine how incredible that must've been. :)

I think that's why you get 40 weeks - to let the impact set in! You'll be awesome. Things will change but change is good! :)You're going to be an icredible mother. I can't wait to see it all happen. :) :)

Peder said...

Check out this page, about halfway down for a video of at about your stage. Lots of swimming.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree with Carrie. You are going to be an incredible mother. I'm so excited for you and a little jealous, too! Much Love.