Monday, January 22, 2007


I blew the picks on this weekends games but I am glad that I did.

Colts vs. Pats
I was glued to the TV last night watching the Colts/Pats game (what a game, eh?). I met Tony Dungy in the Tampa Bay airport many years ago. He was sitting in coach in the same row as me on the other side of the plane. I started chatting with him as we were exiting the plane ~ he is a very approachable man and was very, very, very nice. He had been up in northern Minnesota that week fishing with some old friends from his Coordinator days with the Vikes. Ever since then I have been a Dungy fan. I respect his style and his quiet manner when dealing with all the madness of coaching in the NFL.

I am also a Manning fan (jumped on that band-wagon long ago). He strikes me as a down to earth player and I respect his ability to read the field and drive the team. And he's good at making fun of himself.

I had a bit of a push-pull yesterday as I was cheering for the Colts. On one side of the field was Maroney. I watched him develop and grow over the last two years while he played for Minnesota. On the other, is Ben Utecht who was a great TE with Minnesota. Maroney had a crap game and Utecht was hurt in the 3rd (?) with a hyper-extended knee. It was a tough one for me.

Bears vs. Saints
I didn't watch this game but listed on the radio. Was the entire first half just a whole mess of turnovers? Couldn't anyone hang onto the ball? It's hard when you are listening to the radio to get a sense of what is happening on the field so I have to cut both sides some slack. I didn't get to see what happened in the last quarter but heard that it began to get pretty touch and go with the weather. Was that what saved the Bears? (Another reason why MN needs to have an outdoor stadium damnit)

I know I should be cheering for the Bears come Superbowl Sunday as they are from our division and my dad always taught me to cheer for teams from our division if we are knocked out (does not apply to Green Bay however ~ that's a whole other story). But I can't do it. My second favorite team is Indy.



Peder said...

I'm a Dungy fan too. The man is just flat out classy. Hope he gets that ring in two weeks.

Anonymous said...

I remember that! At least one good thing happened on that crazy trip to Florida, huh? Ha,ha.