Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Must Keep Eyes Open

This week is dragging. Like many people I am working this week while most are off enjoying the time with family, relaxing or cleaning up after the holidays. Every year I have the debate with myself - do I waste vacation time to escape the slowness of the last week in the year?

I am lucky to have a couple coworkers with me this week. However, I have nothing, nothing, nothing due. And no motivation to start anything else. My eyes are burning from hitting as many sites as possible (from different types of olive oil to neopets to yahoo games). My radio station isn't coming in very well either so I feel as though I am stuck in the cube of neverending boringness.

I am breaking up the day by reading the book our boss gave the team to read: The Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse. Instead of instilling ethical behavior in me it makes me want to run screaming for the non-Corporate life. Depressing that people would take these actions and behave so selfishly (lots of discussion 'bout WorldCom, Tyco, HealthSouth, etc).

Urgh. I am anti-work today.

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