So, my car has been acting up quite a bit as of late. It doesn't want to start all the time and this morning it was really making a stink about moving out of the garage. It made some sort of noise that even brought Pete out of the house into the garage for a looksee (or a hearsee in this case). He wasn't sure what it was so asked that I let him know if it quit by the time I got to work. It made the rattling noise all the way to work, which is luckily only 2.5 miles. I parked the car and it continued to 'sputter'. I have never experienced this before. So, of course I called my omniscient husband to get his advice. After turning the car on and off a couple of times it started smoking. At first I thought it was just the heat that comes off cars. And then I got out - as fast as I could. Grabbed my purse and keys and got away from the car. The thing was SMOKING!! And it smelled like an electrical fire. All I could think of was a movie scene where the dumb chick was standing near her car when it exploded. OK. I admit I tend to overdramatize things but seriously... if you have never seen an electrical fire in your car wouldn't you move too?
In the meantime, someone who was going to park near me moved his car. Because of the impending explosion in the car? Who knows, he was the least of my worries this morning. What irks me the most is that I have quite a bit of money left to pay off on this wonderful 1999 automobile. Hopefully the 3 year extended warranty I bought at the time of purchase will cover this business. I really don't want to buy another car with the debt hanging over my head. Maybe we'll just have to get used to driving one automobile. Only working 2.5 miles from home I could figure out a way to get up and walk to work every morning. Sounds like I should be able to do it anyway, why have I been driving? Because I overschedule myself like a madwoman and have something going on nearly every night of the week.
Hmmm...maybe it's a sign I should stop driving so much. It's been an exciting morning to say the least!
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