I'm still depressed that there is no LRT on this bridge. I guess I 'get' that in order to obtain a certain level of funding and meet the timeline associated with said funding LRT was pushed to the wayside. But really. I hate to sound uncaring to those personally impacted by this tragedy but can't we look at this as an opportunity to move forward with alternative transportation in this so called 'progressive' state? This is an opportunity to rebuild a MAJOR transportation vein with LRT. One of the first things discussed when the collapse occurred was the volume of traffic crossing the bridge. Well. Do we think that is going to get any f'in lighter over the course of the next several years?
I used to bus into work when I lived in St. Paul and worked DT Mpls, crossing that bridge. It continued to be my main route into DT Mpls from the eastern subs (I live on the 'northern' edge). I would very much appreciate the option of using LRT for part of my journey to DT.
Why not take the bus you ask? Because in order for me to get to DT Mpls when I want to head there for fun, it takes well over an hour and the buses don't run all that often off peak commuting hours. Apparently people in the NE Metro only travel to DT Mpls during work hours.
People say it won't be used. People say we're just not that kind of a community. I say bullshit. If you build it - we will ride.
I totally agree with you. It's a perfect opportunity ... sigh. Oh well, maybe someday the Twin Cities will get there with public transportation!
LRT makes sense, but that is not the way the government works. Think of the Federal money as an insurance claim. The insurance company will cover your loss to make you whole, but it is not there to provide more than you originally had. Costs of design and construction for the LRT component of the bridge would not be paid for with Federal dollars. The State legislature is having enough trouble trying to float the cost of the bridge and not halt all other MN/DOT projects while it waits for the Federal government. Some wonder how much Fed. money will arrive and how long the wait will be.
If the State wanted on its own to add LRT, then an environmental review is required which would delay the project up to two years.
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