Fall always seems to short. The leaves blow off the trees far too early, leaving only the bare branches to stare at for the next several months. Ahhh...Counting the days to spring. I realized today as I watch the snow fly that I forgot to put the scraper in my car. I just didn't want to admit that we would see snow this soon.
It's not that I don't enjoy the snow. As a hardy Minnesotan, I have been reared to appreciate the opportunity to make snow angels and towering snow forts that last for days when the temps work in your favor. I think if I didn't have to drive in the snow I might look forward to the falling temps and precipitation. Remember when we looked forward to making piles of snow and disturbing the smooth white cover to make a snow-family? Heck, I remember in college when the Halloween blizzard hit what fun we had walking down the deserted streets of Minneapolis with 31 inches of snow on the ground, making snowpeople outside our dorm and letting all the other 'worries' go by the wayside while we enjoyed the chance to take advantage of the time.
As an adult I find myself hunkering down and eating far, far too much (which I also do in the summer, BTW), reading tons of books and generally not poking my face out of my house unless I really have to go somewhere.
My husband, on the other hand, feels the opposite. Since he is his own personal heater, he LOVES the cold weather and can't wait to get on his snowmobile to travel from point to point. While I have attempted to join him and some of our good friends and family in this activity it just doesn't do it for me. The bouncing around, worrying about going to the bathroom, much less the fact that I don't drive like a maniac. Nope, give me my hot apple cider and a book and you can tool away on that gas guzzling, oil burning machine. I'll see you when you get back.