Monday, May 10, 2010

Mom's Day

Ahh... Mother's Day. Pretty mellow at our house. This is how I like to spend my mother's day. And I'm being 100% serious.

Got up - gave Claire a bath before church as we initiated our new fire pit on Saturday night.

Had pancakes made by my hubby.

Went to church where Claire did a good job staying composed. Bought some treats from the bake sale.

Mowed the lawn after church. I NEVER get to do this anymore and I LOVE mowing the lawn.

Went to Menards by myself to get mulch. Went to another Menards b/c the first was out. Came home. Chatted with my hubby and went back to Menards to buy a different kind of mulch afer talking to my neighbor. Ended up buying cedar chips instead anyway. Oh well.

Went to Boca Chica for dinner and had a fantastic chicken chimi. And we were lucky to have a live trio walking around the restaurant playing music. Very cool!!

Was allowed to fall asleep on the chair for a few minutes after dinner.

Child asleep by 8pm since she hadn't napped.

Ahh... Mom's Day.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Sounds just lovely! You and Laurie and your joy of mowing...