Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Rhubarb & Strawberries

Did you know rhubarb is a vegetable. I did not. You learn something new every day.

Our strawberry patch has been kicking out berries to the tune of 1 cup a day. We've been keeping up so far with eating them. But we're going to burn out soon. I grabbed one cup this week (or so) and made some delicious strawberry banana muffins (which had what we thought would be a bit too much vanilla due to some inadvertent help from Little Miss C - but they turned out delish!).

I'm debating about strawberry rhubarb concoctions. My step-grandmother makes some great pies... but I'm jonsing for some crisp or cobbler. Dear husband is voting for cobbler. And since I am asking him to stop at the farmer's market tomorrow to buy me some more rhubarb, I guess I will go with his preference.

Yum. Yum. So much for losing weight.

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