Thursday, December 03, 2009

Can I be a mallard?

Ok. This scares the crap out of me. I just read this in an article (yes, I know, why am I feeding into the tabloid fodder - we all know why this has once again become the 'talk' at the water cooler).

1 in 4.76
The odds an ever-married or cohabiting man has cheated during the relationship are 1 in 4.76 (US, 8/2004).

I'm not naive. I know couples who have faced that issue themselves. Some have stuck together, some have parted ways.

But it really scares me because if I do the math, that means that someone in my FAMILY could be that 'one'. Or someone in my close circle of friends could be that 'one'. This has to be one of my biggest fears. Always has been and has nothing to do with anything anyone in my circle has said, has to do with what goes on upstairs underneath the currently dyed red-ish brown hair. It is like the ultimate rejection and insult to me (outside of physcial abuse and abuse of my child, of course).

Why can't people commit to each other and be decent. I realize we are animals when you really get down to it, but even ducks stay committed damn it.


Peder said...

I bet if you broke that number down into some different demographic numbers you'd find that the wealthiest subset skew the numbers. Not that middle class is a defense of course, but probably not that dire.

Cellomama said...

I am with Peder - I would be that there are certain demographics that skew those numbers. Or at least that's what I want to believe.

The whole thing makes me sick to my stomach.

carrster said...

The whole thing sickens me as well. I think being cheated on has got to be one of the worst, heartbreaking, humiliating experiences ever. I hope that the other two are right and the numbers are skewed!