Monday, October 20, 2008


I'm taking the leap. I'm going to try NoBloPoMo this year. Why? Because I want to add a bit more activity to my life, since you can see my blogging has been light the last few months. Fair warning, my few readers, posts maybe strange, pointless and boring in the coming weeks. Or, maybe this will be the practice I need to become a real blogger :)

Should be exciting since we'll be dealing with the outcome of the presidental race.

I'm off to start thinking of ideas.


Kate said...

I'm thinking about it, myself.

Sarita said...

Even though I didn't make it last year, I thought it helped me get over my thoughts of "that's stupid, no one wants to hear about that" and just write more for myself.

carrster said...

Whohoo! We can write boring pointless and of course thought provoking posts TOGETHER! :)

Meigan said...

Well that makes me happy, Holly! I love your posts!