Monday, April 21, 2008

Wheeze. Cough.

I am so friggin' out of shape. After stepping on the scale this weekend I resolved to get my butt in gear, as it has gotten rather large.

I tried running again yesterday. It was a fantastic day. Made it a whopping 20 minutes. Yes, yes, I was pushing Claire in the jogger, but still. 20 minutes. Yeesh. Didn't I run a marathon once? I can't believe how quickly I fell out of practice. And how quickly I gained the weight and lost the muscle. Urgh.

Today I rode my bike into work, despite the 50% chance of rain this afternoon. I ran to get a bike rack yesterday so I could strap a change of clothing, my coffee and water on and cruise. I had my lunch packed but I had difficulty fitting it on the rack using the mesh netting. Oh well. I forced myself to get a salad for lunch and am not walking past the rice krispie bars sitting on the common table.

This getting old thing is a bitch.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Yeah. It was a short sleeved day yesterday? Fat arms means fat all over my whole body, means what in God's name am I going to do?

I hate running and in general don't like to sweat. I never had to work to lose weight before - I've always been nicely slender. (Don't start hating me now, please. I know I've been lucky.) But how do you lose weight? Seriously. I don't even know how!

Good luck to you. I mean it. I haven't figured out what I'm going to do yet - you're already on your way!