Monday, November 26, 2007

Stiff. Achy. Out of shape.

I hit the pavement for the first time in over a year yesterday. I have no idea how far I went as my running watch has since gone kaput so I didn't check it against my usual 10 minute mile pace. Rest assured. I was not running a 10 minute mile anyway.

The first thought through my head, "Man, I miss this.". The next thought, "Damn, my lungs hurt. How the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks did I let myself get this far off course?!".

Nevertheless, I stuck with it as far as I could and did some walking to get back to the house. I knew the first time out was going to be a bear. And today I can feel it. Not nearly as bad as it was when I completed the marathon but... I hope I can keep some sort of pattern going. I've thought about trying to train for a December 5k but don't really like running in the cold (wuss).


kmd said...

Good for you for getting back out there. Go easy on yourself, Holls, you just had a baby!

Meigan said...

Way to go, Holly! I was *supposed* to run the Reindeer Run on Saturday, but I just can't bring myself to do it in the cold & with all those people. I'll go to the gym & run a 5k on the treadmill instead. It still counts! Congrats on getting back out there!

michelle said...

Crazy Runners! :)

Chris runs but I'll only do it if I'm being chased! But good for you for getting back into the swing of it - that's the hardest part (as i know all too well....)