Thursday, September 20, 2007

Back to the grind

I am back at work today. So far I have made it three hours and only called home once. My milk production is slowing... apparently due to being stressed about being back at work. That sucks.

I can't concentrate on anything. I feel completely out of whack. Claire has a cold and I want to be at home. And everything at work is a cluster. Plus, I don't want to deal with the politics.

Hoping tomorrow is better.

Earlier this week I had another mom reality moment (#3?). While holding Claire in her preferred position (facing out with my arm hooked around the front of her belly, hand between legs) she pooped. No biggie, right. WRONG. Apparently the salsa dad made which we had on quesadillas the previous night did not sit well with the babe. She proceeded to poop all over. Me. The floor. Her shorts. Her onesie. And I don't think it felt too good coming out. Poor baby. Needless to say, I will not be eating dad's salsa again.


carrster said...

Oh Dang! Your official initiation has been completed then? (the pooping that is).

Hope everyone at work is treating you like the rock-star-Mama that you are. ;)

kmd said...

You shouldn't have to work. I feel badly for you and the little one. Wouldn't it be great if you could work at home?

Cellomama said...

{{{big hug}}} I found going back to work pretty traumatic. It really does get easier to be separated during the day. I was only back at work 3 months before quitting, but it had gotten a lot better than that first week. Good luck, Hol. One day at a time.