Sunday, June 17, 2007

Claire Marie

More later when I get home and can upload pictures.

Claire joined us a few weeks early (7.5 weeks) after I was diagnosed with HELLP Syndrome, a disease associated with preeclampsia. The only cure for HELLPS is delivery of the baby. We went in on Monday afternoon after a routine checkup with our OB and after three days of pushing the envelope with the help of the doctors and two steriod shots to help Claire, she joined us at 2:08pm on June 14, 2007. She was 3 lbs 10 oz and 16.5 inches long. She has a full head of hair and looks really good, other than being a wee tot. Considering her mother was 5 lbs 13 oz and was full term I have high hopes she will come out of the NICU with no real issues.

She currently is feeding through the feeding tube and has an IV but is not on a respirator - a big win for a 32 week baby. Promise, pictures will be posted as soon as we get home from the hospital.

Right now, I am being monitored for my blood pressure on a regular basis. There are some concerns about the fact that it hasn't dropped. We're hoping that it will begin to go down on its own, but perhaps I will be taking high blood meds sooner than I had intended.

Thanks to everyone who has sent their prayers. You are certainly a key part of what helped us hang in until Thursday, buying us enough time to get those steroid shots for Claire. We will keep everyone posted on her development and growth.

Bless you all!


Anonymous said...

Our constant prayers are with you and your beautiful child. Thinking of you all the time and wishing you the very best.

Love you.
Laurie, Pete & Kate

Peder said...

Best of luck and lots of prayers from us!

carrster said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! Congrats on your new arrival and I hope everything is a-okay with Claire. The NICU's are amazing (as I've witnessed with my new niece & nephews) and I'm sure she'll do great.

I hope you are feeling better soon too - keep us posted and you're definitely in our thoughts & prayers!!

heathermn18 said...


You and your new addition are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself. Big Hug from LA LA land! Heather