I've found a way to feed my Stengths which I identified by completing the Strengthsfinder profile from the Gallup organization. Turns out I am Woo, Communicator, Adaptable, Maximizer and Input. For those familiar with the tool I assume you are not surprised by the first two. For those unfamiliar, I strongly encourage you to buy the book Now, Discover your Strengths, go online and take the assessment, and read the book. It has helped me understand - along with a battery of self assessments for my latest class - a bit more about myself.
So, I left my last organization and found a new role where I hope to create the ever-elusive work/life balance. So far so good but as I am still in the honeymoon phase of a new job/company/role I remain skeptical. Based on what I see with my new colleagues however, this may be the place I land for a long while. Check us out at www.menttium.com to get a 30,000 foot idea of what we do.
Hopefully this will allow for new photos and creativity in my life. Added to the arsenal of technology in our house is a new digital camera. What a great learning tool this has become for me! I learn more and more about lighting and filters and all kinds of stuff with instant gratification to boot. Ahh... the power of digital technology. As much as I fight the movement at times (still no PDA and no camera phone!) there are moments where I really appreciate what has evolved.
Well, back to the daily grind - have to continue to make money to pay for gas!